(3T token using blockchain tech)
3T token technology and administration is paid for purely by donations.
3T token is not designed to be converted or backed by any material item or cash.
3T token uses phones to distribute the mining energy rather than dedicated miners.
3T token users allow their phones to solve transaction proofing algorithms.
3T token administration manages the distribution of 3T token to GIVING ORGANIZATIONS each year based on their prior year income.
RECEIVING ORGANIZATIONS are moved up in the database, the more they receive. All 3T token received by the authorized organizations is placed back into the total 3T token database bank; and is to be distributed out in its entirety the following year to GIVING ORGANIZATONS.
All organizations authorized to give or receive 3T tokens are listed in the 3T token database.
Database can be filtered by location and/or by Social Determinant of Health Category
Any abuse = immediate deletion of account… i.e. a non-authorized business posing as a consumer transacting in 3T token
Consumers should report a denial of service by any organization willing to receive 3T tokens.
Individual 3T token is capped at 50% the national median personal income for previous year… i.e. $32,000 = 16,000 3T tokens
Orgs must apply to give 3T tokens
Orgs must apply to receive 3T tokens
Anybody can download the app for free.
Upgrade for $5 per year opens up more service categories.
Total amount of 3T token available is based on the amount given out to organizations. It grows each year as more organization are given authorization. There should be more organizations receiving 3T tokens, than there are giving 3T tokens.
Certain organization can be authorized to give more 3T token
The weight of Social Capital 3T tokens can change depending on how much need there is in certain areas measured by Humanity Progress Indicators.
Authorized organizations are given a certain number of 3T token to give out to unpaid volunteers or consumers and are annually required to request 3T token injection based on a brief application. 10% of orgs are randomly selected to be audited each year… amount of 3T token is based on 2% of revenue.
i.e. Food Bank funding was $1 million last year = can give out up to $20,000 worth of 3T token this year = 10,000 3T
Certain 501c3 managing Community Reps (Reps must pass certification training)
More details at
ie. Black Lives Matter: authorized use = Community Reps
More TBD
Certain 501c3 managing ONLY for unpaid volunteers
St. Mary’s Food Bank
More TBD
Local Farms giveaway 3T token in exchange for buying produce
Gyms and health facilities
ie. Nutritionists & Personal trainers
More TBD
Authorized organizations willing to discount their prices by 50% because they can TRUST that 3T token has been earned for good deeds. Furthermore, they are recognized and advertised on the 3T token app. Organizations have the right to decline 3T token payments after 1% of their previous year revenue has been given away.
i.e. school revenue was $1 million last year = must agree to receive at least $10,000 maximum worth of 3T token this year = 5,000 3T token
Education: public, private, charter, online,
Healthcare: gyms, health plans,
Housing: landlords, banks,
Utilities: state by state energy, solar,
Transportation: Tesla, MTM, public transit,
Internet access: Cox, Google,
Insurance: auto, home
$5 annual upgrade gives access to all OTHER items or services from authorized businesses ranking high in Social Capital scores (TBD) ... or B-certified businesses
Volunteering time
Examples include Gig work, DayCare, Cooking, Driving, Handyman, HCBS, Personal training, etc
Interest free loan of 3T token (unsecured)
One 3T token cash equivalent = typically $2
i.e. 5,000 3T token = $10,000 cash
Connecting exercise app data
Volunteering personal data
(such as genealogical data, online behavior, or epidemiological tracing)
Interest free loan of cash (unsecured)
Transfer of cash proven on Venmo or Zelle
Attending an annual physical exam
Improving or maintaining a healthy BMI
Volunteering in times of crisis or disaster
Being a full-time stay-at-home parent (instead of paying for childcare)
*TERMINOLOGY: click here to learn important terms related to Social Capital, Technology and Social Responsibility.