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Our ultimate objective is to ensure children are prepared to build a peaceful future for humanity.  We believe children born after year 2010, the Alpha Generation, will grow up in a world where Self-Actualization gains greater importance as technology learns from their behaviors. 

We have the opportunity to teach them more than STEM.

3T provides Continuing Education courses to aid teachers with an Active Learning methodology focused on the following:

wellness and mindfulness. kindness (on and offline). volunteering and giving. compassion. emotional intelligence. attention and listening. human connectedness. community and achievement. simplicity and savings. collaborative and design thinking. systems and exponential thinking. governing the commons. appreciating and enjoying the outdoors. lifelong learning


With ever increasing screen times contributing to heart disease, diabetes, and depression, 3T has partnered with SPORTBALL to utilize grant funds to enhance and encourage fun physical literacy and inclusion games within schools and communities with few resources.  Sportball also has a proven success track with Adapted Play sports programs.

JR STORYTELLERS are committed to teaching the next generation how to be the best they can be in an imperfect yet incredibly amazing world. A world where human creativity, critical thinking, emotional intelligence, adaptability and collaboration may soon be of greater importance than ever before.

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